Division of LED SMART

One of the Largest, Most Complete
LED Testing Facilities in North America
Integration Spheres
LED SMART has two integration spheres. The first one is a 2 Meter diameter unit, which is used to measure the light output of larger items and fully finished fixtures.
The other is a 16” unit to measure individual PCB boards before full fixture assembly.
This piece of equipment is vital to LED SMART R&D, and production teams to ensure that the products going out are designed and produced according to the specifications required for light output.

Temperature Test Chamber
LED SMART’s large-scale temperature chamber is 2000L 3 (528 gal 3 ), with the ability to test from -70°C ~150°C.
With quick cooling and heat adjustments to temperatures within 0.1°C, this test is highly accurate.
In addition, it has the ability to test humidity (20% ~98%RH) within the chamber at the same time as the temperature.
Our capability to program temperature changes and fluctuations allows LED SMART to increase and decrease temperature and humidity within the chamber over a long cycle to simulate real life environments.

Photometric Chamber
LED SMART has one of the only Photometric Chambers in Canada.
This chamber is vital for testing and confirming lumen output and light patterns. Capable of measuring the light performance of any type of light from small bulbs to large fixtures.
The interior of the chamber is fully fitted with a matte black surface.
The goniometer is fixed at a distance of 10M from the light source. The photometric measurements are then captured at around 15 minutes per light source.

3D Printing and Prototyping
Our 3D printing allows us to construct a three-dimensional object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model.
One of the great advantages of our 3D printing is the fact that it gives us the ability to produce complex shapes, or geometries that would be otherwise impossible to construct by traditional means.

EMC/EMI Chamber
LED Smart has one of the only privately held EMC/EMI chambers in North America, and one of very few in Canada.
Our EMI/EMC chamber is critical to measuring electromagnetic radiation and conductance for the designed and produced lighting systems to be compliant with standards such as MIL-STD-46, CE101, CE102, RE101, RE102 and FCC part 15 or 18.

Multi Axis Vibration Table
This is a 3D dimension test with various accelerations to see what the lamp can withstand within the possible elements it can be exposed to.

Tube Testing Racks
A burn test is performed to ensure the device runs properly before it leaves the LED SMART facility.
We run this test for 2 hours each time to ensure it meets our high quality standards. During these two hours the pre-programmed test racks simulate various voltage and current fluctuations that a light may experience in real life environments.

Emersion Tank
Known as the IP67 test, it measures how waterproof the lighting unit is.
The light is submerged in over one metre of water for thrity minutes to test for leaks.
After the thrity minutes is completed, and there is no detectable leaks, it is considered waterproof.

Automated Wire Processing
Wire cutting and stripping is an important part of the overall product assembly process.
At the same time this device is able to process a variety of wire and cable gauges to pre-programmed lengths.

High Speed SMD Assembly Line
LED SMART has two high-speed automated assembly lines which place electronic components onto circuit boards.
By having this in operation we are able to produce the high-volume production levels that are needed for large projects.